Welcome to the Blog!
I’ve had the privilege to be part of so many incredible days and here you’ll find a collection of them as well as some tips and suggestions for making your best day ever come true — with a few personal posts sprinkled in every now and then too! Take a look around and find inspiration for your best day!
location guides
Harkness Memorial State Park Waterford, Connecticut | Rachel & Harrison
an we please just talk about how seriously stinking CUTE these two are?
Rachel and Harrison currently live in Arizona and when we chatted over the phone about their wedding, I encouraged them to still consider planning an “Engagement Session” even if it was just the week before so we would have the chance to connect and also give them some adorable New-Englandy photos while they were back on the east coast.
Well, I’m so glad we made the time. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to spend even more time with them in addition to their wedding day.
New England to Nova Scotia | Unconventional Spring Break - Part 1
What do the words spring break mean to you? Perhaps warm weather, sandy beaches, palm trees, and drinks with colorful umbrellas? While those things sound perfectly nice, typical spring break destinations also include crowds and expensive prices. Our favorite adventures are to places while they're enjoying their "off" season - or as I like to call, their "local" season. We get to chat with more of the shopkeepers, there's far less traffic, and you can roam the streets of a town and really get a feel for the place as it is without too much tourist driven traffic. Andrew and I traveled with a couple of our friends to Nova Scotia last week. The trip was planned by myself and close friend, Katie, inspired by the local school schedule and a desire to travel internationally without needing to book flights. Verdict: with the right travel buddies, driving a little over 2k miles in 6 days is completely epic.