Welcome to the Blog!
I’ve had the privilege to be part of so many incredible days and here you’ll find a collection of them as well as some tips and suggestions for making your best day ever come true — with a few personal posts sprinkled in every now and then too! Take a look around and find inspiration for your best day!
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Connecticut Birthday Sail Celebration
Birthday celebrations after going through a global pandemic feel a little bit different. We’ve always had good reason to surround ourselves by those closest to us - our village - but after over a year of staying away from family and friends for the safety of all, coming together just feels a little bit sweeter, am I right?
When Becky and I first talked, I immediately got a sense for her beautiful and fun personality. You know when you meet someone and you leave the conversation thinking DANG, this person is just so full of light, I feel a little bit brighter? That’s Becky through-and-through. She’s genuine, kind, and loves her people. Throughout the pandemic, living in the urban area of Stamford, Connecticut, she would purchase a ticket frequently to sail on one of the Public Schooner Sails and hit the water leaving the city and building and confinement behind just for a couple of hours. Everything she told me indicated that the water is her place for calm and she joked that she thinks she’ll own a boat before she owns a house. And I love that, #priorities. Her dream was to gather her friends and family for a sail together to celebrate her 30th birthday. Having grown up sailing, I appreciated knowing that Becky feels a calling to the water and I couldn’t wait to help her celebrate and capture so many amazing memories after such a long year.