Welcome to the Blog!
I’ve had the privilege to be part of so many incredible days and here you’ll find a collection of them as well as some tips and suggestions for making your best day ever come true — with a few personal posts sprinkled in every now and then too! Take a look around and find inspiration for your best day!
location guides

Connecticut Birthday Sail Celebration
Birthday celebrations after going through a global pandemic feel a little bit different. We’ve always had good reason to surround ourselves by those closest to us - our village - but after over a year of staying away from family and friends for the safety of all, coming together just feels a little bit sweeter, am I right?
When Becky and I first talked, I immediately got a sense for her beautiful and fun personality. You know when you meet someone and you leave the conversation thinking DANG, this person is just so full of light, I feel a little bit brighter? That’s Becky through-and-through. She’s genuine, kind, and loves her people. Throughout the pandemic, living in the urban area of Stamford, Connecticut, she would purchase a ticket frequently to sail on one of the Public Schooner Sails and hit the water leaving the city and building and confinement behind just for a couple of hours. Everything she told me indicated that the water is her place for calm and she joked that she thinks she’ll own a boat before she owns a house. And I love that, #priorities. Her dream was to gather her friends and family for a sail together to celebrate her 30th birthday. Having grown up sailing, I appreciated knowing that Becky feels a calling to the water and I couldn’t wait to help her celebrate and capture so many amazing memories after such a long year.

Manhattan, New York City Proposal
It still feels a little surreal that this downtown New York City Manhattan rooftop proposal happened (so I can’t even imagine how it feels to be Carmine and Courtney). Everything about this day was perfect. The view from the top of Carmine’s sister’s apartment building on 34th street has a view to the Hudson River and the day was *so* clear and gorgeous - we really could not have asked for better weather. So many people came together to make this day magical for them and to watch a tight knit community at work, as an outsider looking in, is incredibly powerful.
I had never chatted with Carmine or Courtney and was enlisted (with Carmine’s blessing, of course) to photograph this occasion for them through friends of friends of friends - you know how the story goes, and the world feels a little smaller with every connection and the stars align? I love those moments and connections. Well, Carmine’s sister worked hard to keep this all a secret and sectioned off the most beautiful corner of the rooftop, with a great view of the building where they both work, and even taped a dollar bill to the ground and setup champagne for a little post-proposal celebration. The meaning behind the dollar you may ask? Well, Courtney has apparently found a dollar before most significant occasions or occurrences in her life, SO Carmine’s adorable request was to have a dollar strategically placed that she would walk up to it and likely know that something was going on. And it worked. Courtney said after that as soon as she saw the dollar she knew she was about to be engaged.
I love that Carmine crafted the cutest most intimate proposal but also surprised Courtney with a huge celebration of friends and family after she said, “YES!” Courtney kept asking questions about the plans for the day in complete disbelief and shock at all of the surprises and celebrations he had planned.

Brooklyn Bridge Sunrise Couple's Photos
After being in Manhattan this weekend to photograph a surprise proposal (she said “YES!”) I was reminiscing back to this weekend in Brooklyn and couldn’t wait to put the finishing touches on this gallery to share with you all. It’s been a long time dream of mine to make it to the Brooklynn Bridge at sunrise for a photo session, and the stars aligned and it felt like a dream to be on the bridge photographing this gorgeous couple in the first light on a spring Saturday morning.
There are a few different spots in Brooklyn that are all easily accessible and close together in the DUMBO area, and with a little pre-planning we decided to begin at sunrise on the Brooklyn Bridge (total dream) and head to Washington Street for the iconic cobblestone New York City streets, make our way to Jane’s Carousel (which my daughter Jane *loved*), and then finished our time together right on the water with the gorgeous New York cityscape for a backdrop. The morning light was so soft and perfect and Jess and Peter were absolute naturals at being in front of the camera - every request was met with enthusiasm and I’m just so grateful for sweet couple’s that allow me the honor of photographing a piece of their story. Peter used to live and work across the river in New York City and Jess has fond memories of time throughout her life on the the Brooklyn Bridge, including a photo of her and her mom when she was younger on the bridge. It’s amazing to think how photographs freeze these moments in time and we carry them with us, and that I was able to add to their memories of this gorgeous bridge and the part it will play in their story.

Intimate Adirondack Mountains Adventure Wedding
Leia and Dave are both lovers of the outdoors. They are two people who light up in each other’s presence and their calm demeanor and steadfast devotion to each other is admirable. Not to mention they both have the best sense of humor and watching their genuine and carefree interactions throughout the day was such a fun front row seat to have.
The were married at the Chapel at Camp Fowler, a stunning and peaceful woodsy building with pine features, followed by some portraits by the water and surrounding buildings, beach, and canoes and then an intimate and fun backyard gathering. This gathering was uniquely and exquisitely styled and arranged much in part and thanks to their amazing families, including their sister-in-law, Jess, who owns Different Blend Bakery in Schenectady, New York. Be sure to checkout the amazing cake, s’mores station, custom napkins, and many other carefully attended to details that made this celebration so clearly crafted in love.
We ended the evening with canoeing around the lake and letting the newlyweds enjoy a grand adventure together - their first canoe trip as Mr. and Mrs. captured forever. The day wouldn’t have been complete without running down the dock together hand-in-hand and a jump in the lake. Admittedly, I asked them to do this twice because it was just too much fun.
This wedding day had all the intentionality behind it I wish for all of my couples. If an adventure inspired intimate wedding in the Adirondacks doesn’t speak to your soul, that’s ok. But these two celebrated in a way that was true to them and their relationship and I hope that every couple feels empowered to choose the things that are most important to them on their wedding day. It truly doesn’t matter if you call it an elopement, micro-wedding, destination wedding, intimate wedding - for Leia and Dave the celebration was no-fuss in all the ways they intended. They will forever have this day etched in their minds and can always look back and know that they chose love, they chose each other, and they chose to declare their union and be affirmed in it by their families who will continue to stand by their sides for years to come as they watch Leia and Dave, undoubtedly, embark on many more adventures together.